Nirvana Very Fucking Rare

Ano de Lançamento: 2005
Tamanho:80 Mb
Formato:RAR | MP3
Lista de Músicas:
01- Talk to me (crocodile cafe 1992)
02- Anorexorcist
03- Bambi slaughter
04- Clean up before she comes
05- Crisco (Rock Whore)
06- Divine and bright
07- Down in the dark
08- Formaldehyde
09- Gothic teen spirit
10- Gypsies tramps and thieves
11- I feel fine (The Beatles Cover)
12- I Hate Myself and I Want to Die
13- Immigrant song (Led Zeppelin Cover)
14- In his hands
15- Jealousy
16- Kurt Cobain – Ultra Rare
17- Laminated effect
18- Lithium (Kurt Cobain solo Home demo)
19- Lounge Act (Alternate version from DVD menu)
20- Lovegun
21- Me and my IV
22- Moist vagina
23- My Best Friend Girl
24- My sharona (The Knack Cover)
25- Here She Comes Now
26-I wanna be your dog (The Stooges Cover)
27- Formaldehyde
28- Old age
29- She´s my Best friend Girl
30- Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple cover)
31- Suggestion
32- Suicide-samurai
33- Sweet Emotion Jam
34- Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd Cover)
35- White Lace And Strange
36- You know you´re right (acoustic)
37- You´ve got no right
38- Do nuts (from 90-10-25 show)

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